5-4-3-2-1 let's be safe with water and have some fun

At the pool:

1.    I will always ask an adult if I can get in the water

2.    I will listen to the lifeguard’s instructions

3.    Remembering that 3 is a magic number - going in a group of 3 means there is someone around to give help and someone to get help

4.    Looking before I leap, always entering the water with my feet

5.    I will walk not run around the pool

SWiRL Global Water Safety.png

Note for adults: 

LIFEGUARD Show your children who the lifeguards are so that your child knows who to go to for help and to follow their instructions.

IMAGE WHO CAN SAFELY GET INTO THE POOL – DISCUSS THIS IMAGE WITH YOUR CHILD AND When you take your children to the pool get in the habit of getting them to ask if they can get into the water and waiting until they get a clear “YES” 
If you have a designated water watcher, let them know that the child is entering the water.

 If I see someone in trouble:

1.    I will keep myself safe

2.    Shout for help

3.    Tell a lifeguard or call 911

4.    And if I can safely do so I will throw something that floats

Note for adults: Keeping ourselves safe means not entering the water to assist someone. For children, shouting for help nice and loudly means that they bring attention to the situation and adults who can help.
Life rings and buoys are often found near water in case of emergency, but you can throw anything that floats that a person is able to hold onto in the water, this could be a soccer ball or even a large plastic drinks bottle.

Out and about:

1.    I will remember the rule of 3 if I am out anywhere near water

2.    To look at the safety signs and follow the rules

3.    Stay back from the water's edge or behind safety railings

Note for adults: It can be easy to not think about water safety when we aren’t intending to go into the water. If you are out and about near water, even if you are only walking the dog, discuss the potential hazards with your children; ask them how many they can spot. Practice safe behaviours and get into the routine of reading safety signs and keeping back from the water’s edge.

Whatever I am doing:

1.    I will make sure my grown-up has a fully charged cell-phone for emergencies

2.    I will make sure I have everything I need to enjoy the water safely - including wearing the right clothes and having a personal floatation device if I need one

Notes for adults: Be prepared. Carry a fully charged cell-phone and ensure that you have everything ready for whatever activity you are doing, whether that’s a trip to the community pool or a walk by the creek.

If I fall in:

1.    I know that I must roll over onto my back, float and then shout for help.

Notes for adults: If anyone falls into water, they should roll over onto their back, extend their arms and legs outwards slightly, and keep their chin high out of the water. Take a few deep breaths to help you recover from the shock of falling in and then shout for help.

SWiRl Global Star Float

Incontinence in Swimming


Help – should I use armbands or something else?